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What Quarters Are Worth Money? Hidden Treasures

Updated 25 Mar, 2024 •reading-time 6-8'

Ed. note: This article is periodically updated to reflect the current price of most valuable coins.

In Coleccionistas de Monedas, we fight against the misinformation surrounding the world of coins on the Internet. For this reason, our articles are entirely written by people, not AI or other automated systems. Additionally, we link to all sources and references for coin prices, with the goal of providing you with real, updated, and reliable information.

U.S. Quarters dollars are one of the most collected United States coins (Coins worth money list 2024). They are usually very affordable pieces for collectors, and nowadays, it is a very easy to follow and cheap series to complete year by year. In this list, you will find what quarters you should look for in your pocket change. If you find one of them, we assure you that the reward is assured. Most of these valuable quarters are not in circulation today. But, who knows? 

Key Takeaways

  • (2023/2024 UPDATE) In May 2023, a MS68+ type specimen was auctioned by Heritage Auctions for a price of $21,000 (reference).
  • What quarters are valuable right now? In some cases the price trend is clearly upward, so it can be a very good investment if you want to sell it after a few years. However, the banking crisis in the US may change the trend. We must wait and see what happens in the coming months to take positions.
  • How much is a Quarter worth? Most Quarters are worth only their face value (worth 25 cents), especially if they are worn out. Evaluating the amount of wear of your Quarter is usually the key to determining the coin’s market value. In some cases, rarities or error quarters (doubled die, die crack…) may raise their very face value.

The more you go into these series, the more interesting they become. Coin collectors of these series will find this post very insightful as a way of deepening the study of these highly collected coins.

Rare quarters to look for – Value chart 2024

Here is our list of checked and recent auction records. Some of them reach sky-high prices!

Mint marks note: The mint mark on the quarter coin is located on the reverse beneath the wreath on which the eagle is perched, and will either carry the mint mark “S” for the SF Mint,”D” for the Denver Mint, or be blank if minted at the Philadelphia Mint.

2024 Quarters worth money list

What year of quarters are valuable? See our list of the most relevant years, and pay attention to date column.

Most valuable quarter dollars
Type Year United States Mint Max. Price
Seated Liberty 1872 Carson City $60,500
Barber 1901 San Francisco $39,500
Seated Liberty 1858 San Francisco  $21,800
Standing Liberty 1918/7 San Francisco $19,000
Seated Liberty 1849 New Orleans $18,200
Seated Liberty 1872 San Francisco $17,500
Barber 1896 San Francisco $17,000



For the price list, and to compare some references with others, we will always give the estimated price of a coin encapsulated by NGC or by PCGS in MS60 status (mint state coins). As the degree of conservation increases, the price also increases exponentially, especially for the more expensive coins. 

Which rare quarters are worth money?

Factors such as the series, the conservation, the coin’s year of mintage or its rarity (avoid collecting workhorse coin) determine the price. In numismatics, small factors can make the price vary greatly.

The U.S. quarter was established by the Mint Act of April 2, 1792, along with other silver coin denominations not so precise: silver dollars, half dimes, or half dollars. These coins were gradually rolled out, with dimes and quarters first appearing in 1796. Because of low demand, United States Mint did not produce quarters again until 1804. From this year until today, there are periods in its history when it has operated as a workhorse coin.

What silver quarters are worth keeping? As a general rule, those coins that were minted in an important year and have a fairly good state of preservation.  Look for these dates: 1872, 1901 and pay close attention to whether your coin was minted in Carson City.

So the question is obvious: How do you know if a 25-cent is worth money? Below is a list of the most important currencies and the characteristics you should look for in each of them. It may be difficult, but… what if you have one of them and you still don’t know?

Mint location in a U.S. Quarter

American quarter coins do not feature a mint location on the front or back of the coin. Instead, the mint mark, which indicates where the coin was produced, can be found on the reverse (tails) side of the coin, just below the eagle’s tail feathers.

Since 1965, the United States Mint has produced quarters at several different facilities, each with its unique mint mark. The mint marks are as follows:

  • P: Philadelphia Mint
  • D: Denver Mint
  • S: San Francisco Mint
  • W: West Point Mint (used for special editions and commemorative coins)

The mint mark can be found directly below the eagle’s tail feathers on the reverse side of the coin, next to the rim.

List of Liberty Quarters that are worth money

Approximately halfway through 1840, drapery was added to extend below her arm. Thus, there are two varieties of the Liberty Seated silver quarters. Let’s take a look!

1. 1872 CC Liberty Seated – $60,500, the most valuable Seated Liberty Quarter

Source: NGC

Which quarter is worth $35,000? With a circulation of only 22850 units, this coin struck in Carson city mint is extremely rare in high conservation. Only two coins of with an Mint State graduation have survived to this day, and they reach enormous prices in the market. It is only accessible to the most elite collections. Click here to know more about coins worth money in 2024. Don’t forget other important coins coined in Carson City mint, such as the 1871 cc liberty seated, pretty rare too. This variety has reached top price records, in fact was sold years ago for $115,000 according different sources, but we have not been able to verify it. .

2. 1858 S Liberty Seated – $21,800

Source: NGC

The 25-cent struck in 1958 SF mint can reach incredible prices if any are MS60 (mint state coins) graduated coins. The truth is that this value is a guide because the population the surviving population today is so scarce that there is no known coin without circulation.

3. 1849 O Liberty Seated – $18,200

Source: NGC

1849 is one of the rarest dates on 25-cent coins. There is no official record of their circulation, but it is believed that they are all included in a surrender of 16000 copies made in 1850, so there would be less than 16000 units. It reaches a price in MS60 (mint state coins) of about $18,000.

List of Most high-priced Barber Silver Quarters Series & Big Three Quarter Dollars

Some Barber Silver Quarters belong to the select group of the quarters worth most. Going from good to excellent conditions can cause their price to go from low to high.

1. 1901 S Barber Silver Quarter – $39,500, the most valuable Barber Silver Quarter

Source: Heritage Auctions

Apparently there is no reason to explain the rarity of this highly preserved piece. It is by far the most difficult barber coin to come by in any collection, and one of the rarest coins in all of 20th century American numismatics. The small quantity of units of 1901-s barbers  (90% silver composition) that have remained in good conservation today, makes its prices in the numismatic market disproportionate to its initial print run of 72,664 pieces.

2. 1896 S Barber Silver Quarter – $17,000

Source: Heritage Auctions

The piece minted in SF in 1896 has a greater number minted than other years – in total 188,039 units were produced. Due to the rarity of the well-preserved coins, they have been brought into the present in one of the key dates of the series. Together with the 1901 and 1913 issues they are called the Big Three Quarter Dollars.

3. 1913 S Barber Silver Quarter – $16,000

Source: PCGS

However, it should be noted for the last component of the Big Three, that the reason for its shortage is known. Only 40,000 copies have been minted. Yet, despite consisting of the fewest units, the fact that in the 1930s boom of coin collecting, it was only 20 years old, has meant that more coins have been preserved in coin collections than its two older sisters.

Most Valuable Standing Liberty Quarters

1918 S and 1917 S Standing Liberty Quarter – $19,000

In this issue of 1918 over 1917, we will make an exception in our policy of not reporting variants because of their numismatic importance. An undated stamp from this currency was first stamped with the year 1917 and then the last digit was corrected with an 8.

Source: NGC

Silver Standing Liberty Quarters with errors:  It is not yet clear why neither the SF nor the Philadelphia mint detected this error coin, which would have led to the use of a new stamp. However, thanks to this ruling, we have one of the most valuable and prized 25-cent for a coin collector.

List of Valuable Quarters After 1965

Most quarters minted after 1965 are made of a copper-nickel alloy and have relatively low numismatic value. However, there are a few exceptions. Here is an updated list:

List of valuable quarter after year 1965 (2024 Update)




Price/Link to Source


1966 MS




1976-S Silver




1974-S Proof




1982-P Washington Quarter




1968-P 25c




1974-S Proof




1976-D 25c




1971-S Washington quarter




1966 Washington quarter




1967 SMS quarter




1995-W Proof Washington Quarter




1968-S 25c




1969-S Washington quarter




1983-D Washington quarter




1984-P Washington quarter



What modern quarters are worth money?

In 1999, the United States Mint launched the 50 State Quarters series, which featured a unique design for each state and has been one of the most popular and collectable series in the history of U.S. coins. Each of them features a unique design. Their common obverse depicts U.S. President George Washington, making them Washington quarters.

While most 50 State Quarters have a face value of 25 cents, some are more valuable than others due to their rarity or collector demand. Below are a list of modern quarters that are worth money.

1. 2004-D Wisconsin Extra Leaf Quarter

The 2004 D Wisconsin commemorative quarters from Denver mint have a high value in the coin market. United States Mint added the extra leaf on the Wisconsin State Quarter to honor the original 13 colonies that became part of the United States. Its designer, Robert Weinman (who won multiple awards before) created its design after winning a contest to design the coin’s reverse. Most of die error varieties involve errors precisely on the coin’s reverse side, which could be interesting for a coin collector.



What is the error on the 2004 Wisconsin quarter?

The “extra leaf” anomaly refers to two varieties known as extra high leaf and extra low leaf errors. Both refer to the appearance of a long leaf on the more down left side of the corn stalk, between the left central leaf and the cheese. While In the Extra High Leaf variety, a thin leaf appears near the top of the cheese and ends at the much larger left central leaf of the corn stalk. In Extras Low Leaf, the addition forms an arc at the top of the cheese, and both ends disappear behind it.

How much is a 2004 D Wisconsin quarter with an extra leaf worth?

There is no definitive answer to this question. The collector market determines the value of the extra leaf quarter. Coin collectors assign different values for each commemorative quarter, depending on its condition and rarity. Thus, an extra leaf quarter in perfect condition might be worth around $230 (reference).

2. 1999-P Connecticut Broadstruck Quarter

This quarter was struck without the necessary pressure at the Philadelphia Mint, resulting in a “Broadstruck” coin, i.e., with a jagged edge and no mint mark. Numismatics estimated that only 5 to 10 examples of this variety were minted, making it one of the rarest quarters in the 50-state series. This variety is scarce, and its value can reach up to several thousand dollars in uncirculated conditions. In circulation, its value ranged from $500 to $1000. However, interest in this coin has declined somewhat in recent years to a selling price of at most $20.

3. 2008-D Oklahoma Double Die Reverse Quarter

This quarter features a reverse design with a double mint error, meaning that Denver Mint struck the image twice with a slight separation between the two pictures. Denver Mint issued only 500 to 1000 examples of this variety, making it one of the most sought-after quarters by collectors. An uncirculated condition coin of this variety can be worth around $1000 to $2000, while in the circulated condition, it can be worth around $500.

4. 2005-P Minnesota Extra Tree Quarter

This quarter features a design with an extra tree on the reverse, which was produced in error at the Philadelphia Mint. It is estimated that only 50 to 100 of this variety were minted, making it one of the rarest and most valuable quarters in the 50-state series. The rarity consists of an additional fir tree on the reverse of this coin. Currently, the top-selling price is around $100.

5. 1999-P Delaware Spitting Horse Quarter

This quarter features a reverse design with a horse that appears to be spitting, which was considered offensive by some groups. As a result, the Philadelphia Mint changed the design for future mintages, making specimens with the original design more valuable. It is estimated that only 5 to 10 examples of this variety were struck. 

Die crack type errors are usually not very valuable, so you could list it for $12 with best offer and probably get $6. The “spitting Horse” is a “nickname” given to a coincidentally placed die break to make the coins more marketable. Typically die breaks this small do not bring in added coin worth. The 1999 P Delaware state quarter struck by United States Mint displays this die variety. It’s important to determine if it’s a die crack or a die scratch at the horse’s mouth. 


6. 2000 New Hampshire State Quarter

As of 2021, the value of a 2000 New Hampshire State Quarter varies depending on its condition and whether it has any errors or varieties. A circulated 2000 New Hampshire State Quarter in average condition is worth its face value of 25 cents. However, if the coin is in uncirculated condition, it may be worth slightly more to collectors. The most high-priced error associated with the 2000 New Hampshire State Quarter is the “Muled” Quarter, which is an infrequent and valuable error that occurs when the obverse (heads) and reverse (tails) designs of two different coins are accidentally paired together during the mining process. It can currently fetch up to $150.

Which 1932 quarter is worth the most?

With a weight of 6.25 grams and an identical composition to the Mercury Dime (90-10), this coin was minted in 1932 and circulated in the period from 1934 to 1964 (in the year 1933 they were not minted). On the obverse, it features a bust of the First President of the United States, George Washington, and beneath the word ‘LIBERTY’. Embossed in the space in front of the bust is the phrase ‘IN GOD WE TRUST‘, and below, the date.

1966 quarter worth $35,000
Source: USACoinBook

Of all the series, the most collectable date is 1932, but only those minted in Denver and SF since they were the ones with the shortest print run. The approximate values of this date, according to PCGS and eBay, are:

Date Mint Coinage G VG E Uncirculated (mint state)
1932-D Denver 436,800 units $55-$70 $90-$110 $150-200 $750-$85,000
1932-S S. Francisco 408,000 units $60-$65 $100-$110 $125-145 $350-$47,500

How much is a Bessie Coleman quarter worth?

The value of a Bessie Coleman quarter depends on its condition and whether it is a circulated or uncirculated coin. As a commemorative quarter, its value may also fluctuate based on collector demand. As of May 2023, an uncirculated Bessie Coleman quarter is worth around $3 to $5, while a circulated one is worth around its face value of 25 cents. However, it’s important to note that the value of coins can fluctuate over time and may be influenced by factors such as market demand and rarity.

What years of quarters are valuable?

The value of a quarter coin can depend on various factors, such as its condition, rarity, and historical significance. Here are some years of quarters that are generally considered to be valuable:

  1. Barber Quarters (1892-1916): These quarters were designed by Charles E. Barber and are highly sought after by collectors due to their rarity and historical significance.

  2. Standing Liberty Quarters (1916-1930): These quarters were designed by Hermon Atkins MacNeil and feature a depiction of Liberty standing with a shield and an olive branch. Some of the earlier dates and mintmarks of these quarters are considered to be rare and valuable.

  3. Washington Quarters (1932-1964): These quarters were issued to commemorate the 200th anniversary of George Washington’s birth. Certain years, such as the 1932-D and the 1932-S, are considered rare and valuable.

  4. State Quarters (1999-2008): These quarters were issued to honor each of the 50 states and some territories of the United States. Some of the state quarters with lower mintages, such as the 2008-S Oklahoma quarter, can be valuable.

  5. America the Beautiful Quarters (2010-2021): These quarters feature national parks and other national sites in the United States. Some of the quarters with lower mintages, such as the 2019-S San Antonio Missions quarter, can be valuable.

Which quarter is worth $200?

There are several quarters that are worth $200 or more, depending on their condition, rarity, and historical significance. Here are a few examples:

  1. 1932-D Washington Quarter: This quarter is considered to be the key date in the Washington Quarter series and is highly sought after by collectors. In uncirculated condition, it can be worth several thousand dollars, but even a well-worn example can be worth several hundred dollars.

  2. 1955 Doubled Die Obverse Quarter: This quarter features a double image of the year “1955” on the obverse (front) side of the coin, making it a rare and valuable variety. In uncirculated condition, it can be worth tens of thousands of dollars, but even a well-worn example can be worth several hundred dollars.

  3. 1916 Standing Liberty Quarter: This quarter was the first in the Standing Liberty Quarter series and is highly sought after by collectors. In uncirculated condition, it can be worth several thousand dollars, but even a well-worn example can be worth several hundred dollars.

How do I know if my quarters are valuable?

To determine if your quarters are valuable, you should consider several factors, including the coin’s rarity, condition, and historical significance. Here are some steps you can take to assess the potential value of your quarters:

  1. Look up the coin’s mintage: The mintage refers to the number of coins produced by the mint in a given year. Quarters with lower mintages are generally rarer and more valuable. You can find mintage figures for U.S. quarters on websites such as the U.S. Mint or Numista.

  2. Check for errors or varieties: Some quarters may have errors in their design or minting process that make them unique and valuable. For example, the 1955 Doubled Die Obverse Quarter is a rare variety that features a double image of the year “1955” on the obverse side of the coin.

  3. Evaluate the condition of the coin: The condition of the coin is an important factor in determining its value. Coins that are well-preserved and have minimal wear and damage are generally worth more than coins that are heavily worn or damaged.

  4. Look for historical significance: Some quarters may be valuable due to their historical significance, such as the 1932-S Washington Quarter, which was issued during the Great Depression and is a key date in the series.

  5. Get a professional appraisal: If you are unsure about the value of your quarters, you can seek the advice of a professional coin appraiser or dealer. They can help you determine the value of your coins based on their rarity, condition, and other factors.

Is a 1976 quarter worth anything?

The value of a 1976 quarter largely depends on its condition and mint mark.
  • If it’s a regular circulation quarter in average condition, it’s worth its face value of 25 cents. However, if it’s in excellent condition or has a mint mark indicating it was struck at a special location, it could be worth more to collectors.
  • If the coin is in uncirculated condition, meaning it has never been used and has no signs of wear, it may be worth more to collectors. However, if the coin has been in circulation, its value may be closer to its face value of 25 cents.
  • In terms of rarity, if the quarter has a mintmark “S” or “D” on the reverse side, it may be worth slightly more than a regular 1976 quarter. These mintmarks indicate that the coin was minted in San Francisco or Denver, respectively, and they are generally less common than coins minted in Philadelphia, which do not have a mintmark.

Voto para la mujer quarter worth

“Voto para la Mujer” quarters are a type of U.S. quarter issued in 2020 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment, which granted women the right to vote in the United States.

As with any commemorative coin or currency, its rarity and value depend on various factors such as its condition, mintage numbers, and collector popularity.

According to the United States Mint, the “Voto para la Mujer” quarters were released into circulation in April 2020, so they are not particularly rare regarding their mintage. However, if you are looking for a specific high-quality coin, it may be harder to find and could be considered more valuable.

Ultimately, the value of any coin or currency depends on various factors, and it’s best to consult with a professional coin dealer or appraiser to determine its worth.

1987 quarter worth $35,000?

It’s unlikely that a 1987 quarter would be worth $35,000. While there are some rare and valuable quarters, such as the 1916 Standing Liberty Quarter or the 1932-D Washington Quarter, these coins are generally much older and have specific features or minting errors that make them rare and valuable.
A 1987 quarter, on the other hand, is a standard modern coin still circulating today. Even in the best condition possible, a 1987 quarter is worth its face value of 25 cents.

What quarter is worth $2,000 right now?

The 2004 Wisconsin Quarter Extra Leaf Regular Strike reaches auction prices exceeding $2,000. The highest price was achieved in July 2006 at a Heritage Auctions auction, specifically $2,530. The “extra leaf” anomaly refers to two varieties known as extra high leaf and extra low leaf errors. Both refer to the appearance of a long leaf on the more down left side of the corn stalk, between the left central leaf and the cheese. While In the Extra High Leaf variety, a thin leaf appears near the top of the cheese and ends at the much larger left central leaf of the corn stalk. In Extras Low Leaf, the addition forms an arc at the top of the cheese, and both ends disappear behind it.

Wrapping up

Here’s a quick recap of the 7 most valuable quarters 2024, without a doubt they are the best quarters to collect:

Most valuable quarter dollars
Type Year United States Mint Auction Record (MS60)
Seated Liberty 1872 Carson City $60,500
Barber 1901 SF $39,500
Seated Liberty 1858 SF $21,800
Standing Liberty 1918/7 SF $19,000
Seated Liberty 1849 New Orleans $18,200
Seated Liberty 1872 SF $17,500
Barber 1896 SF $17,000

References and sources

Coleccionistas de Monedas writers use primary sources to support their work. Primary sources include technical reports, government reports, original articles, and interviews with experts in the coin and investment sector. We also reference original research from other reputable editors when appropriate. You can learn more about the standards we follow to produce accurate and unbiased content in our editorial policy.